Posted: 01 Mar 2012 at 13:33 | IP Logged
When I first took BEC last August I thought the same thing. Where the F*&K did these questions come from??!! That being said, it seems on the message boards that many people who used exclusively Becker felt the same way. This time around I bought Roger CRAM and the Wiley online test bank. I am so glad I did. There were a few questions on the exam that came right from the test bank, and the rest were formatted very similar to the way Wiley presented them. I also liked the Roger CRAM because I can't listen to long lectures and Roger gets right to the point with the calculation stuff. I definitely had a few questions that I guessed on and I still don't know if I did well enough pass (does anyone ever know?) but overall I felt much more prepared this time around. Bottom line, spend the $80-90 and get the online test bank.