Posted: 15 May 2012 at 01:32 | IP Logged
Hello All,
I am taking BEC in just one week and am concerned about the WC portion. I have been reading many posts online trying to locate some tips... One thing is - people keep on talking about BUZZ WORDS... Can someone provide more info? Thanks a million!!! I am using CPAexcel... If anyone needs samples they provided in the software, I will copy and paste here - however, I'd really appreicate your inputs if you are using other courseware (i.e., becker, wiley, etc.)
I am writing done what I saw online - hope this will be helpful to you... Also, if you know anything else, please add on!
1) Use three paragraphs, intro, middle (i.e., analysis, etc.), conclusion. 2) Repeat the words used in the question. 3) Add at the end "if you require additional information, please do not hestitate to contact me."... 4) Anything else??