Posted: 26 Oct 2009 at 16:50 | IP Logged
Colorado Experence Rule Requirements,
4.1 Experience
A. Public Accounting Experience
B. Internal Auditor
(4.1A and 4.1.B is Clear Rule, but be careful while applying for 4.1.c and 4.1.d, where you will not only waste your money but also time)
C. Other Equivalent Experience – No matter what experience you have in private accounting or at what level, you must have following
Must have an external client other then you the entity working for, and specifically work for external client (Not the Entity you are hiring) and
You are independent of management.
I am a senior Accountant at the Financial Statement level, I report financial Statement internally and externally , The Board of Colorado Denied my application because my work is NOT “independent” of management.
D. Experience Gained Under Alternative Supervision –
You must have your work experience evaluated by the board once they approve you work for another 1800 hours to be licensed. If you have patience to wait for another one year to be licensed.
In fact the only way you are licensed in the State of Colorado if you are public accountant or Internal Auditor,
Rest its depends on you if you fall in those very complicated category. 4.1.C anf 4.1.D
__________________ Thank you!!