Posted: 12 Mar 2010 at 18:42 | IP Logged
Apparently E&Y helped Lehman Brothers hide their debt. Very smilar to Arhtur Andersen and Enron. Anyone think that E&Y will be indicted the same way AA was? If the are, that would basically shut them down and everyone who works there will be unemployed, further complicating a recovery in the accounting job market. Even a class action lawsuit by Lehman shareholders against E&Y could have strong implications for the company.
"Ernst & Young is clearly in a dangerous place but it's unclear how complicit they might be," said Jack Ciesielski, publisher of the Analyst's Accounting Observer, an advisory service for security analysts. -young-into-spotlight-2010-03-12?reflink=MW_news_stmp
“Enron brought down Arthur Andersen,” Felix Salmon notes. “Will Lehman do the same for E&Y?” the-lehman-fiasco-2010-3