Posted: 11 Oct 2010 at 11:31 | IP Logged
Based on Becker, here is run down of eliminations and additions during consolidation
Common Stock - SUB: Eliminate by Debiting
APIC- SUB: Eliminate by Debiting
R/E- SUB: Eliminate by Debiting
Investment-Parent: Eliminate by Crediting
Non-Controlling Interst (Minority interest)-Parent: Add by Crediting
Balance Sheet Adj from book to FV- SUB: Add by debiting (if purchase price > FV)
Intangible Assets (other than goodwill),(if any)- Add by Debiting in consolidated worksheet. You need to create this account. This should be give such as patent, etc.
Goodwill: Add to consolidated worksheet (Purchase Price minus FV of net assets or stock purchased)