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Subject Topic: Leases: Guaranteed Residual Value (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 10:40 | IP Logged  

Should you include the PV of a guaranteed residual value of
the lease in the lease obligation if it is guaranteed by a
third party, or only by the lessee? This would be capital
lease treatment by lessee. Thanks.
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Posted: 31 Oct 2010 at 02:00 | IP Logged  

To be short: Yes But please read thru all below:


by lessee or any third-party not related to the lessee:(Both)

Definition of Residual Value Guaranteedclick to see the definition.

Per Becker CPA FR Notes:(Please bear with me with my lengthy explanations below, it's hard not to since it's not as easy as it appears.)

Capitalized amount (Asset, will equal to lease obligation in the first JE of a capital lease) if meeting one of "OWNS" from Leasees' perspective:


1)the fair value of the asset OR

2)the present value of the minimum lease payments.

If the pv of mlp is the lesser of the two, then,

the minimum lease payments will include the following three:

a)required payments (PV of annuity) + (b) bargain purchase option if any (PV of $1) +(c) residual value guaranteed by the LESSEE if any (PV of $1).

However to exclude executory costs (insurance, maintenance & taxes ) from the minimum lease payments.

And interest rate will the the LESSER OF

1)Implicit rate if known by lessee or 2) lessee's incremental borrowing rate.


JE's might help us understand better: (Interest expense will be calculated with EFFECTIVE INTEREST METHOD) Don't confuse it with bond's effective interest method, not as complicated.

Beginning of lease

Dr. Capital Lease (at capitalized amount = lesser of FV or MLP)

Cr.  Lease obligation (same as capitalized amount)


If paid first payment at lease inception date, all to principal:

Dr. Lease obligation

Cr.  Cash


2nd payment and on, (split between prin and int using effective interest rate - lesser of implicit rate known to lessee OR incremental borrowing rate)

Dr. Interest expense xxx

Dr. Lease obligation (prin) yyy

Cr.      Cash (constant)        zzzz


Capital lease accounting link Please click here.

Remember LESSER in a Capital Lease is a passkey.

Definition of Residual Value Guaranteed

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Posted: 31 Oct 2010 at 02:18 | IP Logged  

 Leasing - guaranteed residual value : A situation in which the lessee or an unrelated third party (e.g.-equipment manufacturer- insurance company) guarantees to the lessor that the leased equipment will be worth a certain fixed amount at the end of the lease term. The guarantor agrees to reimburse the lessor for any deficiency realized if the leased equipment is salvaged subsequently at an amount below the guaranteed residual value.

Work Harder, that's all.
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