Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 19:12 | IP Logged
Hi all,
can anyone confirm whther I did the correct J E fo rthe follwing :
Hagen exchanged a truck with a carrying amount of 12,000 and Fv of 20,000 for a truck and 5000 cash.FV of truck received was 15,000. The exchange was not considered to have commercial substance.At what amount ?
Answer : 15,000.
Transaction is monetary as boot received is 25% of the consideration exchaned.
Boot received/(Boot received +FMV of truck received)=
5000/20,000 =25%
So journal entry would be :
Truck Dr. 15000
cash Dr. 5,000
Old truck Cr 12000
gain Cr. 8,000...
Is this correct JE?
__________________ Do it.