Posted: 31 Oct 2010 at 03:10 | IP Logged
I will try to explain it anyway as a practice before my real exam (in case of a WC you never know right?)
1. How is the Economic Resources measurement focus (aka accrual accounting) done?
Economic Resources measurement focus is accomplished using the accrual basis of accounting where revenue are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded with incurred. (different from Modified Accrual accounting , aka CURRENT financial resources measurement focus when readers are focused on the sources, uses, and balances of CURRENT financial resources that often include a budgetary element. )
2. GASB#34 reporting model focuses the reader on BOTH Goverment-wide AND fund financial statements using an INTEGRATED APPROACH to highlight both THE OPERATIONAL & FISCAL accountability requirements of the government. (aka Consolidation of the two)
Basic structure includes the presentation of:
1)Basic Financial statments (Government-wide financial statments AND Fund Financial Statements);
2)Notes to the financial statements
3)Required supplemental information.
- Fund financial statments emphasize fiscal accountability;
-Government-wide financial statements emphasize operational accountability.
Define accountability: Accountability - the “process that requires us to disclose fully and truthfully our performance to those who are entitled to know,” according to the Honorable Maurice McTigue – is one of the cornerstones of the Republican form of government.
Define fiscal: Of or relating to public revenues, public expenditures, and public debt; public financial matters.
Because of the different measurement focus and related basis of accounting used, the governmental fund balance as reported in the balance sheet must be reconciled to net assets of government-wide satments as reported in the statement of net assets.
-The difference in measurement focus provides the following reconciling items:
1) Add non-current assets
2) Substract non-current liabilities
3)Add internal service fund net assets
-The difference in basis of accounting produces the following reconciling items:(GALS-BARE)
1) Adjust for accrual of revenue accounted for on the full accrual basis of accounting rather than the modified accrual basis of accounting;
2) Adjust for accural of expenses accounted for on the full accrual basis of accounting rather than the expenditures accured on the modified accrual basis of accounting.
The changes in fund balance displayed in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances must be reconciled to changes in net assets of the governmental activities column as reported in the STATMENT OF ACTIVITIES OF THE GOVERNMENT-WIDE STATMENT:(GOES-BARE)
-The difference in measurement focus produces the following reconciling items:
1)Substract debt proceeds (accounted for as other financing sources in fund statement)
2)Add Capital outlay (not accounted for as expense)
3)Add Internal Service Fund changes in net assets accounted for in the proprietary funds)
-The difference in basis of accounting produces the following reconciling items:
1) Adjust for accrual of revenue accounted for on the accural basis of accouting rather than the modified accrual basis of accounting.
2) Adjust for accrual of expenses accounted for on the accrual rather than modified accrual.
To remember GALS - BARE & GOES-BARE
Balance Sheet:
GALS-BARE = GRaSPP - fund balance + Noncurrent Assets - Noncurrent liabilities + Service (Internal) Fund Net Assets <->( B)asis of accounting ->Adjusted for (A)ccrued (R)evenue and (E)xpenses
Stmt of Rev, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance:
GOES-BARE = GRaSPP - Net change in fund balance -> less (O)ther financing sources + (E)xpenditure (Capital outlay) + (S)ervice (Internal) Fund Net Income and (B)asis of accounting -> Adjusted for (A)dditional (A)ccrued (R)evenues and (E)xpenses
Matrix of GASB#34 Reporting:
Governmental Business Type &n bsp; Excluded
____________ ____________ _______
GRSPP S   ; E   ;   ; PAPI
Government-wide financial statments are the:
1) Statement of Net Assets;
2) Statement of Activities.
Man, I am exhausted now but satisfied and feeling accomplished.
__________________ Work Harder, that's all.
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